
Michigan Pharmacy Foundation (MPF) provides grant funding for projects that support its mission to advance pharmacy leadership, education and research and to promote pharmacy practice to the highest level of patient care. Over more than 20 years, the Foundation has awarded in excess of $275,000 in grant funding for projects that advance the profession.

MPF accepts grant applications from individual pharmacy professionals, including student pharmacists and residents, pharmacy organizations, colleges of pharmacy and pharmacy businesses in Michigan who desire to obtain funding for a project that promotes the mission of MPF in the state. It is important that these individuals or organizations conduct business without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law.

MPF Grant Application and Instructions

The 2023 Grant Cycle is Closed. Grant determinations will be made by Jan 15, 2024. 

Applications will be reviewed for completeness and submitted to the MPF Board of Trustees for funding consideration. Determinations are typically made in January of the following year. Grant requests may be fully or partially funded or denied. A site visit or interview may be scheduled before a final decision is made. In some cases, applicants may be requested to provide additional information. When additional information is requested, the applicant will be granted 30 days to respond to the request.

Grantees must sign an acceptance agreement and agree to the Foundation’s funding terms and will also be required to submit an interim and final report. Additionally, grantees will be requested to attend an event to present program outcomes or communicate the value of the grant program to prospective applicants.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to award grants at any time, based on the mission and strategic interests of the MPF and the evolving needs of the pharmacy profession. MPF may also consider requests outside of the traditional competitive process if they meet the following criteria:

  • The emergency is caused by forces of nature or events outside of the control of the organization (this does not include most financial emergencies).
  • The timing of the request is of an urgent nature and, therefore, precludes consideration in the regular grant cycle.

View Past Grant Recipients

What if the project I’m requesting funding from MPF for spans over several years?

Most grants are for a term of one year; however, under certain circumstances, MPF will consider multi-year grant funding, especially if the grant fulfills a key strategic issue for the profession of pharmacy. It is expected that multi-year grants will be made on a limited basis, and the following general policies will apply:

  • Multi-year grants will typically be for 13 to 24 months
  • Grants will typically decrease in size in successive years to promote development of other sources of funding
  • Second-year funding will be based on annual review and successful attainment of program outcomes
What are the funding details once a grant is awarded?
Grant funding will typically be made in three installments. The first installment will be 50 percent of the approved grant funding, paid within 21 days of receipt of the grant acceptance agreement form (click here to see an example). The next installment will be 25 percent, paid upon MPF Board of Trustees approval of the brief, six-month interim report. The remaining 25 percent of grant funding will be disbursed upon approval of the final report, no longer than 13 months after initiation of the project.

Interim reports will be no more than two, single-spaced, typed pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font. The interim report should provide an overview of progress made on the project, including appropriate statistics such as patient enrollment in a study and material development. It will also include an accountability of expenses to date, compared to the original budget.

The final report will be no more than four, single-spaced, typed pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font. The report should provide a brief overview of the study, achieved outcomes, appropriate statistical data relevant to the study/project, and an accountability of income and expenses as it relates to budget versus actual financials. Details regarding plans to sustain the project beyond grant funding should also be included.

Grantees will be required to present their study/project outcomes or communicate the value of the MPF grant program to prospective applicants at a Foundation Board meeting, at the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Annual Convention & Exposition or some other mutually agreed upon event. MPF and/or MPA will have first right of refusal to publish outcomes related to funded projects.

What Type of projects will MPF not provide funding for?

The Foundation typically will not fund grants for the following types of projects:

  • Construction projects (new building or routine maintenance)
  • Proprietary projects
  • Annual giving campaigns
  • Normal operating expenses (except for start-up purposes)
  • Equipment purchases
  • Fundraising events
  • Religious or sectarian purposes
  • Computer hardware equipment
  • Salaries to support organizational staff or grant recipients; however, fees for research/technician services, consulting fees or administrative services expenses may be allowable if essential to the development/implementation of the project.
  • Partisan political purposes
  • Loans
  • Re-granting
  • Indirect costs exceeding 10 percent of the grant
  • Programs or projects conducted outside the state of Michigan