2025 Scholarship Application

Please review the details of the scholorship outlined below and then use our Scholorship form at the bottom of this page to apply.

Every year, the Michigan Pharmacy Foundation (MPF) awards a $2,500 scholarship to a current P2, P3, or P4 from each of the three (3) accredited colleges of pharmacy in the State of Michigan. These scholarships are awarded to student pharmacists who exhibit exceptional academic, leadership, and professional achievement. In addition, the Larry Wagenknecht Leadership Scholarship is awarded to students who exhibit exceptional leadership capabilities. MPF may award additional student pharmacist scholarships when additional annual funds are available. Conditions of Eligibility To be considered for this competitive scholarship, a student pharmacist must:

  • Have a 2.75 cumulative grade point average or higher
  • Have completed their first year of an accredited Pharm.D. program
  • Be a full-time P2, P3, or P4 student pharmacist when applying · Be a current member of Student Michigan Pharmacists Association (verified by MPA staff)
  • Submit the mandatory essay question listed below. The response should be no longer than two double-spaced pages, formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.
  • Submit a curriculum vitae (CV) or resumes

Arrange for one letter of recommendation related to educational or pharmacy experience to be submitted as part of the application. The Letter of Recommendation can be submitted via the online application by either the applicant or the individual making the recommendation. If you experience any difficulties submitting the “Letter of Recommendation” online, please contact RDrabek@MichiganPharmacists.org. All “Letters of Recommendation” should be on letterhead with the recommender’s signature. Previous scholarship winners can still re-apply for the MPF student scholarship in subsequent years.

Scholarship Amount and Duration
The scholarship amount will be $2,500 for the general scholarships and $3,000 for the Larry Wagenknecht Leadership Scholarship. Each scholarship is a one-time award. All scholarships will be paid in one payment and presented during the annual MPA Annual Convention & Exposition. The awardee is expected to attend the Annual Convention on Saturday, April 12, 2025, to receive their scholarship. In addition, the awardee must still be enrolled as a full-time student and making satisfactory progress on his or her educational degree when the MPF Scholarship is awarded.

Important Dates

  • Feb. 23, 2025: Deadline for scholarship application, cover letter, CV or resume, and letter of recommendation. If materials are not received by this date (postmark or fax date), the application will not be considered by the Selection Committee
  • Mar. 3, 2025: Scholarship recipients will be notified on March 3rd, 2025
  • Apr. 12, 2025: Scholarship Award Presentation will be at the MPA ACE Conference at the NASPA Competition in Traverse City, Michigan

Please Be Sure To Attach The Following To Your Application

  • Please submit an essay for the question listed below. The essay should be no longer than two double-spaced pages, formatted in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1″ margins.
    • Essay Question: Please describe in detail your future plan to contribute your time, training, and leadership skills to support the Michigan Pharmacist Association (MPA) and Michigan Pharmacy Foundation (MPF) efforts “To Foster the Future of Pharmacy”.
  • Please also include with your Scholarship Application:
  • A Cover Letter with a detailed description of community and university involvement and leadership experiences
  • CV or resume
  • Letter of Recommendation – Applicants have two options for submitting their letters of recommendation:
    • Upload with Your Application: You may upload your letter of recommendation directly with this application using the optional file upload field below.
    • Submit Separately: If the person writing your recommendation prefers to submit it themselves, they can do so using the designated form on our website: Submit a Recommendation.

Please Be Sure To Attach The Following To Your Application

  • Please submit an essay for the question listed below. The essay should be no longer than two double-spaced pages, formatted in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1″ margins.
    • Essay Question: Please describe in detail your future plan to contribute your time, training, and leadership skills to support the Michigan Pharmacist Association (MPA) and Michigan Pharmacy Foundation (MPF) efforts “To Foster the Future of Pharmacy”.
  • Please also include with your Scholarship Application:
    • CV or resume
    • A Cover Letter with a detailed description of community and university involvement and leadership experiences.
    • Letter of Recommendation – Applicants have two options for submitting their letters of recommendation:
      • Upload with Your Application: You may upload your letter of recommendation directly with this application using the optional file upload field below.
      • Submit Separately: If the person writing your recommendation prefers to submit it themselves, they can do so using the designated form on our website: Submit a Recommendation.

Scholarship Application Form

Applicant Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)