The Michigan Pharmacy Foundation (MPF) has sponsored student pharmacist scholarships at each of the Michigan colleges of pharmacy for decades. The program is an opportunity “To Foster the Future of Pharmacy” and to pay forward the investments made in the Foundation. The program was originally administered by each college until 2013, when the MPF Board of Trustees made the decision to operate it through an application process in an effort to grow awareness. The scholarship program was redesigned to recognize a P2, P3, and P4 student pharmacist currently enrolled in a pharmacy program at an accredited college of pharmacy in the state of Michigan. Student pharmacists are required to submit a formal application that gathers information about their leadership skills, academic performance and interest in professional advancement.
The MPF Student Scholarships were awarded at the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Annual Convention and Exposition (ACE) Feb 26, 2023 to Maria Gonzalez Chavez of Grand Rapids from Ferris State University; Macy Terese Shupp of Redford from Wayne State University; and Carleigh R. Robinson of DeWitt from the University of Michigan.

Larry Wagenknecht Endowed Scholarship
In 2020, the MPF Board of Trustees, working collaboratively with the MPA Executive Board, established the Larry Wagenknecht Endowed Scholarship as a legacy tribute to former MPA CEO Larry Wagenknecht for his 37 years of service to the Association and the profession of pharmacy.
The applicant that demonstrates the most exceptional leadership quality is awarded the scholarship. The third annual Larry Wagenknecht Endowed Scholarship was awarded at ACE 2023 to Katherin Bromm of Troy from the University of Michigan.